
Utilizing a graph view serves as the intuitive method to display categorizations, interconnections between related documents, and meta-information pertaining to the documents.
Web technologies for visualization of geodata & massive 3D Models
Can the pressure answer of a field be estimated with neural networks in situations of fast decision-making or when a reservoir model is not available?
A joint publication between the TELLUS team at IFPEN and IFP School addresses the benefits of emergent digital technologies
Field trips are increasingly limited by budget, safety, footprint or inclusion issues
Companies often accumulate very large amounts of documents stored in multiple folders
It is often burdensome to handle large amounts of wells files
New geomodelling usages require solutions to share and view models independently from proprietary software
Geomodelling is a long and progressive task. Numerous versions of the model are produced, first in the building phase, then in the calibration one
Exploiting geomodelling results is a difficult task due to the amount of generated data. Complex post-processing computations are often required
Analyzing geomodels and physical simulation results can be tedious and often involve complex post-processing
IFP Energies Nouvelles (IFPEN) and UNESCO have signed a framework partnership agreement
Research for Integrative Numerical Geology (RING) is an international research consortium dedicated to geomodelling and quantiative geosciences