Geomodels usage generates large amounts of data. Model size raises several issues such as visualization, storage, transfer, memory footprint...
Our objectives are to offer both a multi-resolution and compression solution: compression for storage gain, multi-resolution to fit model resolution with the aimed usage.
HexaShrink is an exact scalable framework for hexahedral meshes with attributes and discontinuities. It provides multi-resolution rendering and storage of geoscience models. It relies on 2D morphological wavelets and non-linear 1D wavelets for the structure and 3D wavelets for petrophysical properties.
It results in a global framework preserving discontinuities (faults) across scales, implemented as a fully reversible upscaling at different resolutions. The smallest resolution is directly readable and additional files allow to iteratively synthetize the previous ones.
Different progress axes exist. One concerns the addition of tools to choose the adequate resolution for simulation needs. A first metric was proposed. Another work in progress concerns tunable axis compression instead of the dyadic wavelet decomposition approach.